What's In My Bag? 2015

I purchased this new bag in London in December because I was in need of a slightly bigger hangbag than my previous ones. 

This one I got from Topshop for £40 and it is a lovely mink colour which is great as it matches both black themes outfits and brown themes outfits. 

Opening the bag, it is mainly just one big pocket although there is a small zip where I keep tablets and plasters, then there is also a little pocket which is perfect for dropping my phone in. 

The first things I have are a small pocket journal that I bought in Selfridges for writing notes and mainly planning blog posts. Then I also have a small note pad which I got from my Aunty that says niece on it. I then have a pencil case which isn't always in my bag but I had it in there this weekend. I also have a couple of pieces of homework and some leaflets and tickets from Harry Potter World in Watford. 

I then have my iPod, phone charger, portable phone charger from Charming Charlie and one usb stick that has 4 different chargers on top which is perfect as is can charge my iPod, phone and anybody else's phone. I also have my earphones wrapped around a little fishbone squidgy thing I got recently which is really handy to prevent them getting tangled.

Then I have some tissues, grips, a burts bees original lip balm, rimmel moisture renew lipstick in nude delight and a mac lipstick in fanfare. 

I then have a badge from the Harry Potter studios at Watford, a farmstand apple hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works which is my favourite. A hello Breath spray, calming drops, pens, a lip vitamins lip balm and lots of Apple Hubba Bubba. 

I then have my fake Michael Kors purse and a calculator to help me with the homework I was taking.


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